Foundation profile

Foundation profile

Name Ohsumi Frontier Science Foundation (OFSF)
Established August 9, 2017
Address 4259 S2-16 Nagatsuta-cho, Midori-ku, Yokohama, Kanagawa 226-8503, Japan
TEL: +81-45-459-6975 FAX:+81-45-459-6976
Google Map
Chairman Yoshinori Ohsumi
Objective In Japan, there is a current tendency to demand speedy results, where sound basic research is disregarded. This short termism is weakening researchers’ minds and preventing the next generation of researchers in basic science from making progress. OFSF thus aims to contribute to the development of the scientific foundation in Japanese society by assisting far-sighted and original research that can pioneer biology and related new fields ahead of the rest of the world, as well as building an organic network between advanced researchers, citizens, and businesspeople.
  1. Assistance in the following basic research in biology and related fields:
    Far-sighted and original basic research
    Basic research that has less chance of gaining support from national or public institutions
    Basic research that will become difficult to continue due to term limits, retirement, etc.
  2. Activities to build new collaboration between researchers and society:
    Organizing study/exchange meetings with managers and researchers working for companies and those from universities or other institutions
    Educational campaigns to promote basic science for citizens and students
    Hosting gatherings with leading scientists for elementary, junior, and high school students who will lead the next generation